I often get the question about different EQ tests – if and why one is better than another.

With the increasing acceptance and use of Emotional Intelligence as a key factor for success there have been an avalanche of EQ tests developed over the last 10 years. If you google EQ tests you will get close to 5 million hits! Obviously, most of those tests are not at all scientifically developed tests. When you consider the decades of research and the enormous cost and commitment that it takes to develop and market a scientifically sound and robust EQ measure you realize that there are very few instruments that can live up to that scientific rigor.

The following 10 ways to evaluate a test´s scientific merits is worth a repeat so here it comes:

  1. Assess reliability: Are the results reproducible? Does it consistently measure the same thing?
  2. Evaluate validity: Does it measure what it is designed to measure? 
  3. Examine the normative sample: Are there valid  benchmarks against which individual test scores can be interpreted?
  4. Explore real outcomes: Is there evidence that the test delivers bottom-line results?
  5. Examine the theory: Is the test based on an established theoretical model? 
  6. Consider adjustability: Does the test adjust for misleading answers?
  7. Look for research: Has the test been evaluated by independent experts?
  8. Assess usefulness: Is the test aligned with training and coaching materials ensuring that results can actually be of use?
  9. Explore legal compliance: Does the test comply with industry guidelines and with employment legislation?
  10.  Does the test require that administrators be trained and certified in its use?

Can the psychometric instruments you are using live up to those standards??