Every person who does the EQ-i 2.0 is entitled to feedback and a chance to discuss her results with a certified consultant. In our EQ-i certification programs, each participant gets a debrief and they also get free tests to use for practicing to give feedback.

The following letter was addressed to Maria Amerstorfer, Kandidata Asia´s Managing Direcor. It came from one participant who chose to practice with his own daughter. While I do not recommend to practice on close family members, nevertheless, I think the following is a good example of how a debrief can work in “real life”.

Hi Maria,

Thank you very much for your advice on how I should do the debrief by using words like “developed” and “less developed or areas that could be further improved”. I didn’t even mention that 100 was the mean score. I was also glad that I took my daughter out to Starbuck, a neutral place to do the debrief. She was very open and understood everything I explained to her. In fact she was very impressed that the EQ scores truly reflect her true self.  Indeed I had a very good father- daugther talk and she shared with me a lot about what she would like to work on. I asked her to write them down and share with me in 2-3 weeks’ time. I also shared with her about my assessment done in 2006 and how I have changed as reflected in the recent assessment. She also confirmed it by commenting that I have improved a lot over the last few years. The credit goes to you and I should thank you for your advices given in 2006 during the debrief session with you.