While we at Kandidata Asia are busy working away on our various company projects, the research and writing on Emotional Intelligence all over the world goes on with great force. We are proud to have been among the very first, if not the first company in Asia, to introduce EQ and we are now in our 14th year of sharing our EQ knowledge and experience with our clients.

More and more people are learning about the importance of EQ to the point where a recent study published in the the Journal of Organizational Behavior in November 2014, showed that individuals who displayed emotional intelligence—the ability to handle your own and other people’s emotions—were more likely to bring home a bigger paycheck than their emotionally-stunted colleagues.

Leaving your emotions at home when you go to work is an old and outdated idea.  Actually, the old idea of tough, efficient workplaces free from emotions is being replaced by the “new” workplace where people collaborate, there is less posturing and less ego and more people are working together for the greater good.

Fast Company (Vivian Giang 2015) recently reported that their EQ training is insanely popular at Google. An estimated 1,500 Google employees will go through the training this year with thousands waiting for future open seats. We are proud that our EQi.2.0 and EQ 360 is used and highly thought of by Google in their leadership trainings.

At Kandidata Asia we run our own EQ in Action program; Sharpen your EQ Edge –The key to winning Leadership for the 13th year. We accept 24 participants in each program and we also have a que –although not yet in the thousands as does Google.

But who knows –  the effectiveness and popularity of these programs is rapidly increasing and as we are adapting and offering the programs to different categories (sales, customer service, teachers) we might be there sooner than we know.