I have just returned to Singapore after a week in Manila. Philippine people have  been found to be the most emotional people in the world and gauging by the interest in EI and the EQi2.0 I can only agree.

The consulting firm John Clemente graciously sponsored a breakfast meeting at the Shangri la Hotel in Manila that was well attended by some 60 people. The topic was ”Assessing and Developing Emotional Intelligence with Precision” and it was a pleasure to be a speaker and to meet such an audience. John Clemente is one of the first companies in the Philippines to take an active role and interest in EI and Kandidata Asia look forward to continued co-operation with John Clemente.

We also did the very first EQi2.0 certification in the Philippines. Kandidata Asia is proud that we now have a very committed and dedicated group of qualified EQi users in the Philippines. This group will continue to meet to share and support each other in the work with introducing EI and the EQi to Philippine companies.

It is never easy to start something new and the concept of EI in a business setting is still new to most Philippino companies but I am sure that the Philippine will take EI to its heart and that we will see exciting things happen over the next year.