EQ in Action – The New Book

In this insightful book, the author explores practical scenarios and real-life examples to demonstrate how emotional intelligence can be effectively applied in various aspects of life.

By reading EQ in Action, readers gain valuable insights into enhancing their emotional intelligence and applying it to navigate relationships, make informed decisions, and achieve personal and professional success.

You will quickly learn how to use and develop your emotional intelligence and be liked and effective as a leader, as part of a team, and as a partner or parent.

You will benefit from its practical tips and the many insights based on solid research.

You will learn how to deal with daily challenges, both external and internal such as how to understand, manage, and control yourself in different situations and how to guide your actions in the right direction.

EQ in Action will teach you how to manage your and other´s emotions and turn feelings into a powerhouse for a new way to lead, make good decisions, and create high-performance organizations. As a bonus, you will also be a better parent, friend, or partner.

What’s Inside?

Chapter #1 – The Global Impact of EQ

Chapter 1 delves into how Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is critical for success in our rapidly globalizing world. As interactions across borders become increasingly pivotal, this chapter explores EQ’s role in navigating this dynamic landscape and enhancing success globally.

Chapter #2 – What is EQ

Chapter 2 explores the essence of EQ and its role in defining success beyond traditional IQ metrics. It highlights how emotional intelligence facilitates better relationships, resilience, and leadership—qualities that often lead to success in various life aspects.

Chapter #3 – Measuring EQ

Chapter 3 discusses the importance of a solid theoretical framework for developing EQ, emphasizing its measurable and learnable nature. It shows how EQ assessment can lead to targeted personal growth and greater workplace engagement, setting the stage for effective leadership.

Chapter #4 – EQ in Childhood

Chapter 4 explores the roots of EQ in early development, showing how childhood experiences are pivotal in shaping the emotional intelligence of future leaders. It discusses how nurturing environments contribute to success and well-being, and guides parents on fostering emotional intelligence in their children.

…and 6 more chapters of actional EQ learnings and strategies

Get the book

Discover practical insights to elevate your leadership, enhance self-awareness, create strong and lasting relationships, and make wiser decisions.

Learn how:

You can finally break the cycle of hiring the wrong people, low performance, high turnover, a high rate of sick leave, low employee engagement, projects failing, or the threat of AI.

You will see the power of Emotional Intelligence, how EQ can turn organizations into effective and high-performing companies, and how it can change lives, and you will come to understand the emotional landscape of your company, your family, and the world we live in.

You cannot leave an arm or a leg at home when you go to work—the same with feelings. Our feelings are a part of who we are and color “every step we take and every move we make.” We cannot escape our feelings but learn to master them and turn them into practical actions.