Interpersonal relationships are central to emotional intelligence, but it’s hard to find time to develop friendships at work.

There’s no time for chit-chat when the pressure’s on.  And, really, who wants to hear about Nancy’s new kitten?

In fast-paced environments, it’s tough to find the time to develop strong working relationships. 

But at Kandidata Asia, we find quality work relationships result in improved productivity and output.

And, improving your interpersonal EQ skills can begin with just 3 simple words:  Good morning (that’s 2) and Goodbye (that makes 3).

Let’s take a look at how these simple words make a difference at work.

Walking into the office each day easily becomes a mindless habit.  I pass the same people, same coffee pot, same plastic plants.

When my brain becomes accustomed to a routine, it fills in the details without me even realizing it.

Saying “Good morning” to people doesn’t even cross my mind.  I just saw them yesterday.

My mind is busily calculating priorities for the day, how the meeting with the board will go, and what can be done about the client complaint that came in late last night.

Greeting employees quickly takes a backseat to pressing issues.

While it’s not mandatory to say “Good morning,” it does set a tone for positive interactions which leads to greater productivity.

Kandidata Asia’s work with companies indicates the simple act of a leader saying “Good morning” to staff and team members makes a positive impact on their outlook for the day.

I worked with a team who expressed shock and delight when their manager began acknowledging them at the start and end of each day.

Previously, he’d come and gone so quietly they were never sure of his whereabouts.  Knowing when he arrived in the morning and left for the day provided valuable information and created a greater sense of calm awareness.  This enabled the team to focus on their work without spending extraneous energy wondering when the boss would show up unexpectedly.

Saying “Good morning” and “Goodbye” makes a positive difference in the workplace for 3 reasons:

Employees feel recognized and noticed. People are more motivated when they are acknowledged and noticed.  If an employee feels invisible (especially to the boss) energy and enthusiasm for work decreases resulting in less productivity.

The boss’s mood sets a tone for the workplace. Have you worked in a place were everyone whispers “What’s the boss’ mood today?”  If the boss is happy, the entire office is more pleasant and relaxed.  If the boss is angry or frustrated, that ripple effect is felt throughout the team.  Increased levels of anxiety result in decreased creativity and productivity.

This sets an example to interact and acknowledge co-workers. Greeting employees is a way to encourage friendliness in the office.  Friendliness isn’t the same as being friends with everyone.  A little friendliness goes a long way to improve interactions at work.  And the better we get along, the more we accomplish together!

Another reason I might forget to say “Good morning” and “Goodbye” may be that I’m an introvert.

As an introvert, it’s natural to spend time thinking and innocently forget to talk to those around me.

This is a great opportunity to develop my EQ in the area of interpersonal relationships.  Saying “Good morning” and “Goodbye” takes minimal effort.  The return for my investment is well worth the extra effort of 3 words.

Take the ‘3 Words a Day’ challenge and say “Good morning” and “Goodbye” each day for one week.  (That’s only 5 times for most of us!)

If you already say “Good morning” and “Goodbye” regularly – nice work, keep it up!  Share the idea with your team and encourage them to do the same.

These 3 simple words are the perfect way to improve your interpersonal EQ and set the tone for a productive day.

Share your questions and thoughts about the impact of interpersonal relationships at work in the comment section.