I have just come back from the dentist. My happy and talkative dentist tried, as usual, to keep the conversation flowing with me, which was not easy.  We all know how you feel where you sit with your mouth full of instruments and try to respond with a blurred aa, aa, oh…

So I started thinking about how important EQ can be for dentists. One can easily imagine that for occupations that require high professional skills – such as technicians or dentists – EQ is not so a key component of their job, and that feelings are not important in this context.

But not so! Yes, there is even a study to prove this! 144 dentists in Florida participated in a survey and it turned out that there was a strong correlation between EQ and successful dental practices. The key EQ skills for dentists were found to be:

  • Emotional awareness
  • Perception of reality
  • Positive self-assertion
  • Self-realization

And it’s not surprising that realistic (reality) dentists who enjoy their jobs (self) and persist in their attempts to explain and converse (self) – despite only receiving “aa and oh” from the patient – is a popular dentist. If he / she also has an eye on their own feelings, because the patient is unlikely to have it, (emotional awareness) it certainly contributes to a dentist who is appreciated and runs a good practice.